Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Bird watching

Birds are the most beautiful creature on earth. I have known about different bird species. I love watching birds. Bird watching can connect myself with the environment. I feel very thrilled when I see a rare bird like white-bellied heron. Bird watching is my hobby I spend my leisure time witching birds near by the place where I live.

I study in Thinleygang Primary school which falls under Punakha Dzongkhag. I saw many birds in this place. Some of the birds that I have sighted in my locality are rufous sibia, barred cuckoo dove, green backed tit and many other birds. The sight of the white-bellied heron along the phochu river fascinated me. When ever I travel to Punakha  with my parents I always make sure to glance at the river bank to see It. 

Some birds migrates to warmer palace in winter and cooler  places during  the summer. There is a peculiar nocturnal  bird in the place where I live. when that bird hoots near by the house, people believes that it brings bad omen. Nobody in my place knows the name of this bird in English. In local term they call it “Aw Singye”. I wonder how it looks like. During  day time if you happen to see an owl it is believed that it brings bad luck. similarly if you come across black- neck crane it is believed that it brings happiness.

When I have free time I go for bird watching. It is so nice to encounter and watch many birds. But only in rare cases I come  home without seeing any. Sometimes I do bird sketching in my drawing book.

Good things about birds are that it helps in pollination by drinking nectar and collecting pollen from one flower to other. They also keep pests away from crops by eating harmful bugs. They eat the fruits and prevent it from rotting  and littering the forest. Therefore I consider birds as important animal who contributes a lot to the Mother Nature.


  1. Good one achola... Keep on watching and writing..

  2. Hi fellow birdwatcher! Love your article. In my country, too, there is a bird whose cry is terrifying and thought to bring bad luck. We call it the Ulama in our language, and scientists think it may be the Spot-bellied Eagle Owl.
    Wish you all the best in your birdwatching adventures!


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