Saturday, September 4, 2021


The forest is a area of land dominated by trees. It provides everything to us. It is the source of resources. So many creatures from the smallest ants to the biggest elephants lives there. Most of the earth is covered by forest. The main reason why I love the forest is that it is covered by fascinating creatures.

Some animals hibernate while some animals migrate to the south during winter. Some creatures grow thick fur during the cold winter and short fur during the hot summer. All of the animals have their own method for passing the hot summer and cold winter.

I like mammals and reptiles but I love birds. I have seen 134 species of birds till date and the numbers of new species in Bhutan is increasing rapidly so I have a long journey ahead. Every species of birds are beautiful in their own way. Some have strange coloration. Some are bright blue and some are green. The males are always bright and the females are bit dull.

We should never cut trees because there are lots of innocent creatures living up a tree. Even if you cut a tree replace it by planting several more trees. More importantly we should not capture or kill a wild animal as they deserve to live. Lastly I only have only one thing to say:

Please Plant Trees 🌲 

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